
Natyamandala is an Indian classical dance awareness group that promotes traditional Indian dance forms through performance, shows, workshops, and other events.

Classical Indian dances, which take their scaffolding from the Natya Shastra, feature intricate footwork, complex rhythms, and depictions of mythological stories and emotions that can transport the dancer and the viewer to temples and spiritual places far beyond their surroundings.

Some classical dance forms such as Bharatanatyam were traditionally performed in temples to invoke the gods, other forms such as Kuchipudi were performed as dance dramas and ballets. Pieces range from purely abstract and rhythmic, to devotional, to dramatic, to modern, with depictions of the divine in various forms.


Bharatanatyam Classes

For beginner to intermediate levels. Classes are currently offered over Zoom, for free!



Natyamandala tours internationally, and gives regular performances in New Haven. Visit our events page to reserve tickets.



Covering Indian Dance technique, choreography, composition and more, Natyamandala’s workshops feature its own renown dancers, and often host touring artists. See our events page for upcoming workshops.